Sensory Regulation

Sensory regulation refers to the way our bodies filter and attend to information from the environment. This is a factor in our ability to selfregulate or to manage our responses to different environments.

When a child is showing more sensory sensitivity you might notice:

  • They are more sensitive than other children their age. They may cry easily and seem to get overwhelmed in busy situations. You might notice that they avoid situations or want to hide.
  • They may dislike certain textures (foods, clothing materials, tags).
  • They may have a reaction to certain smells.
  • They may feel overwhelmed in busy or noisy settings.
  • They are picky eaters.
  • They have a very hard time with transitions and change.
When a child is less sensitive to sensory input, you might notice:
  • They seem clumsy and may often trip or bump into things without noticing.
  • They may seem lethargic or difficult to motivate.
  • They may miss visual cues and have a hard time finding things and staying organized.
  • They may have a hard time with dexterous tasks such as tying their shoes or printing neatly.
  • They may not notice when their hands or face are messy.
  • They may have a hard time with toilet training as they may not notice the feeling they need to go.

Our occupational therapists can assess how a child or teen responds to the sensations in their bodies. They can help children, caregivers and teachers understand more about how their nervous systems work and what we can do to support them. Our occupational therapists can also help to guide a process of helping children to notice, understand and interpret their bodies signals. This process can help children feel more in control and move towards self regulation.

Contact us to book your initial consultation